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Is a book trailer for you: Editor's Notes #213
June 30, 2016

"Write what you want to read. The person you know best in this world is you. Listen to yourself. If you are excited by what you are writing, you have a much better chance of putting that excitement over to a reader."
--Robin McKinley

In this issue:

1. Is a book trailer for you?
2. Tickled my funnybone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1. Is a book trailer for you?
Just as a movie trailer tells of a coming attraction, a book trailer, a short presentation shared as a video, whets the appetite of readers for your upcoming book. Book trailers range in complexity from simple power point presentations to full-blown videos.

A good book trailer is short and introduces the setting and a basic problem for the main character. It leaves the viewer hanging. At the end, it gives information about when the book will be available and how to get it.

You do not have to be a genius filmmaker to create a book trailer. With readily available software and some imagination, you are set.

You can create your own visuals and music or use files available copyright free. Even if you use free material, note the name of the photographer, musician, or composer and include these in the credits.

Successful book trailers make the rounds on social media, spreading the news about the book. If you have a following on social media, a book trailer may be a part of your media campaign.


2.Tickled my funnybone
"Our newspaper carried the notice last week that Mr. Oscar Hoffnagle is a defective on the police force. This was a typographical error. Mr. Hoffnagle is, of course, a detective on the police farce."


3. Interesting Web site
For a video on how to make a book trailer and several professional and student examples...

4. Writing prompt
List 20 things you will never do. Then carry on in whatever way you wish.

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