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The know-it-all writer: Editor's Notes #131 October 15, 2012 |
Hello, is that it's the easiest to handle. That's the major reason so many writers select it. --Arthur Herzog In this issue: 1. The know-it all writer uses third person omniscient point of view 2. Tickled my funnybone 3. Interesting Web site ========== 1. The know-it all writer uses third person omniscient point of view Third person point of view is the most common and most diverse narrative point of view. For that reason, I'll write about it in a series of issues. Third person POV allows an author to speak with an authoritative voice at a distance from the reader. Today, I'm beginning with the most common POV, and therefore, the one you are probably most familiar with: third person omniscient POV. Omniscient means all-knowing, in the sense that God sees and knows everything. As in all third person stories, the narrator speaks of the characters as he, she, they, them, and it. You probably know third person omniscient POV best as the narrative style of many fairy tales. You know what the hero and heroine think and do, and you also know what the weaker and the evil characters think and do. This POV is also suited to epic stories that span generations. Strengths of third person omniscient POV
Weaknesses of third person omniscient POV
Examples of third person omniscient point of view in literature
Your challenge over the next weeks is to notice which point of view an author is using in the material you read. If it is third person, is it omniscient third person? If not, how would you describe what it is? =========== 2.Tickled my funnybone Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web. =========== 3. Interesting Web site Here's a site that gives 60-second reviews and outlines of classical and modern literature. The short video clips sound like good synopses, so if you are about to write a synopsis, check out the videos on this site. =========== Join Writer's Helper Facebook page at Follow me on Twitter @AudreytheEditor =========== If you know a writer who would appreciate receiving Editor's Notes, forward this issue. If someone has passed this on to you, you can get your own free subscription by signing up at |
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