Your Readers Aren't Stupid

by Nicholas Stillman

Never repeat anything. Also, remove all information the reader already knows. They already know the color of the sky and the direction rain falls. They know where the other person stands relative to a cashier at a counter. When a person "looks", everyone knows that he or she looks "over" a distance, so you don't need to write "looks over". When you remove all the instructions that readers don't need, you can fill in the extra space with quality words and ideas.

Comments for Your Readers Aren't Stupid

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May 07, 2012
Readers don't know everything by themselves
by: Loganathan.S.

//They already know the color of the sky and the //direction rain falls.
The sky is not blue always.. even for a particular time, it defers day to day due to clouds and sunshine.. Without specifying it, how readers can picturize the moment?

Readers need full information about where the currently visiting. They need full picture. But the way of saying them matters. As this is our writing only no need to worry about the space in the paper to fill. We can have more paper if needed.

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