Think about Writing All the Time

by Liz

In math class, I draw my characters on notebook paper. While I'm walking the dog, I work out a dialogue. ALWAYS be writing--even if it's not on paper. Think about what your characters look like, how they talk, what their internal dramas are. You can write for months without actually picking up a pen.

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Aug 04, 2010
Think it through
by: Dillon

If you can think it you can write it. It may not be the same, but that's okay. If you forget it, oh well, it was practice. If it's not published doesn't mean it's not important. Just practice- with or without paper.

Apr 03, 2010
Always Writing
by: Audrey

I'm sure every writer has lost a good thought for the lack of a pen and a piece of paper. But if the idea is really good and you don't have a way to write it down, do what Solzhenitsyn did while in a concentration camp. He and fellow prisoners put their stories and ideas into poetry. You might not be able to do that. The Russian language lends itself to rhyming in ways that English doesn't. But you can find some way to attach one idea to another. Just be sure you do write down the idea as soon as you can.

I have one notebook in my car because I often get good ideas while I'm driving. I have one in the house so I won't just scribble on a lose bit of paper that I'll lose 10 minutes later. I have one in my purse. I have one in a backpack.

I can still lose ideas if I'm on a walk or in the bath. That's just life. But if the idea is really important, I can think of a way to hold onto it.

Apr 02, 2010
good idea
by: forgetful

the problem is I forget so easily I would get a really good idea while doing those things you said and foget it... so it would be a waste of time to always be writing cause i always forget.
lolol my brain is messed up.

Dec 29, 2008
The Writerly Mind
by: Audrey

I think what you are talking about is a state of mind.

Good writers are by nature thinkers. Many writers write to clarify their thinking.

Others are also thinkers: choreographers, painters, philosophers, preachers, teachers... There's a long list of vocations that require deep thought.

What will make the thinker a writer is taking up the pen and putting some of those thoughts into visible words, either in fiction and nonfiction.


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