Tell the World

by Katie Lee

When writing fiction, I find that my best ideas come when I'm telling my friends about my story. Don't worry about spoilers, if all goes well, hundreds of others will read all about it. When you run out of things to tell them about what is going to happen in your book, make it up as you go, and the ideas will just pop out of the snow, like daisies! This is best in the early stages of your book, when it's just a vague idea and you're not sure of the specifics of the story. Absolute best results happen in person, not over electronics.

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Apr 10, 2012
by: Marcella Simmons

Telling people about your book is one good way to keep from getting blocked - when you're working on your book or story idea, and you come to a roadblock and can't figure out what to do with a character or how to move forward, talk it out. You'll be surprised at how much input you can get from peopel listening to your stories. Most often than not, they'll offer suggestions that may work in getting your story moving forward again. Keep telling the world and see how well your story moves.

I quit worrying about people stealing my story a long time ago - they may come up with the same title, and same story line but no one can write it as unique as I can!

Good idea "Tell the World".

Apr 09, 2012
Sharing Ideas
by: Audrey

What an interesting concept!

I am sure this would work for many people who find talking things out helpful.

Others may be concerned about key ideas being "stolen" if they are spread about.

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