Show the scene

by Ken K. Chartrand
(Winnipeg Canada)

When you write, try to see the scene. For example, you may have four of your characters in one room. Show that some are standing and maybe all are sitting in chairs across the room from each other. Maybe all four are in a dance hall at the Prom and are sitting each in their own little corner, because these four are shy. See what they are wearing. Describe what they may be wearing. Whether any of them has to wear glasses. Describe the room . Is it decorated etcetera. Describe the colors and settings of tables. Remember to SHOW these things and your story will have atmosphere.

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Nov 09, 2009
Don't overdo it
by: Mela

Careful you don't spend too much time describing and bore your readers before they see any action.

But I agree, visualizing is a good idea. It's much easier to write what you can see. If I get stuck describing something, I will pull out some scrap paper and sketch it out quickly. Just putting in the shape of the room and some crude stick figures helps my brain process what's going on and put it into words for me.

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