Finding ideas to write about

(Logansport LA USA)

Below are several tips for finding ideas to write about.

1) Old ideas rewritten become new ideas – search through your files and find something you’ve written that has been published, or not, and rewrite it with a fresh, new approach and new ideas.

2) Brainstorm whatever comes to mind – grab something off your list and brainstorm on that subject matter for ten minutes. Keep trying this until you have several ideas that are worth writing about.

3) Read someone else’s short story and rewrite it to suit you. How many times did you read something and hate the ending or how they handled the whole story?

4) Watch an episode of Golden Girls and write a new millennium version. How old are they now? Is Sophia in a nursing home or has she passed away? Is Blanche still a slut? Are any of the Golden Girls still working? Who knows? You might even get to direct your own series someday!

5) Search through various magazines and newspapers and find a topic that interests you. Before reading their version, write your own and compare the two when you’re done. Chances are, yours is better – fresher. Get it ready to send to another magazine that accepts the same type of material.

6) Browse writer’s guidelines.

7) Write in your journal on a regular basis. Story ideas are usually there somewhere.

8) Attend a writer’s workshop or writing group – you’ll be amazed at the ideas floating around.

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