Don't Stop

No matter how hard you want to, never quit. Keep writing until the end. Don't give up!

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May 17, 2012
Never loose a character out of mind due to personal like or dislike
by: Loganathan.S.

Being a writer, never dislike any character personally, as each character either good or bad has his/her own purpose and does his/her job for the story.
This is to make up our mind to use any type of character as appropriate in our writing depending on the need of the hour, without avoiding any character due to personal disliking towards a character.
No character is useless, as it will be useful in certain time or places if used appropriately. If one character is not appropriate at a time or story, there are chances for the same to be appropriate at another time or story, so, keep a note of such characters to make use of it at later time, without leaving it out of mind. If we have personal dislike towards a character we will let the character out of mind, so that not to use it, so never do that.

But liking/disliking a story is different.

May 11, 2012
Getting Help
by: Audrey

I do believe that everyone has something of value to say.

I know from experience that many, maybe even most, people find it hard to say what they mean with power and elegance. Some find it hard to say what they mean in writing at all.

My advice to all such writers is to find help.

Read books on writing.

Attend courses if they are offered.

Join a writing group.

And, when you are ready, hire an editor. Even the most highly published writers have had their work edited. An editor can be your best writing friend because an editor will never, ever expose your mistakes. Instead, she will ensure that you have put your best foot forward in print.

That said, there are times when it is truly best to tuck a particular piece of writing away. You may be headed down the wrong path. You may not be ready to write a particular piece. You may be missing some important information or insight. Whatever the reason, sometimes, putting away your work for a rest really is the best thing you can do.

That piece is not necessarily dead and buried. I once put away something that was not getting the response I intended. Years later, I pulled it out and incorporated it into a piece I submitted to a writing contest. I won that contest.

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