Character Profiles

by alex

many times an inexperienced writer will get someone- a friend, family member, neighbour- to read their work. and it its not uncommon for the reader to have trouble following the characters motives, personality, interests etc..

a good way around this, is to create a profile of each character. it can be avoided with minor characters, if they are only seen once or twice, but recurring and main characters are not believable and a reader won't feel connected to a character (can be very important) if they are continually changing and there is no continuity in them.

a character profile can take many forms, it can be something like:

"name: lucy
age: 17
gender: f
interests: sports, technology..

" you get the point

or it can be

"luke; witty impulsive annoying loud smart sarcastic
want to save the world, protects lucy"

anything to keep the characters personality and motives together, everyone prefers different ways of doing it

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