Editor's Blog
September 2008

Sep 30, 2008, Write something everyday

Just finish the *@%& book!!!!! I read this phrase somewhere and it helps me. I hope it helps you. ***** Mark, Your advice to write something

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Sep 28, 2008, To Write Well
Think Outside The Box

Being a good writer means you allow yourself to get outside of your comfort zone. Switch up your main characters and learn something new. If you're

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Sep 27, 2008, Read to Write

As I continue my writing journey, I'm discovering that one of the most valuable things I can do is to read. I read the genres that I intend to write,

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Sep 25, 2008, Writer Resource

This writer resource page includes links or other contact information of vital importance to self publishing writers.

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Sep 23, 2008, Writer's Block
Legos aren't that strong.

Writer's block really doesn't exist. It's just you being stubborn about what you put on paper (or the computer). Just knock down that Lego-of-a-block.

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Sep 14, 2008, Writing Tips - General

General writing tips to help the self publishing writer create high quality books. Link to writing tips on specific topics.

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Sep 14, 2008, Perspective, Perspective, Perspective!!!

When writing chapters of a fiction novel, the author will sometimes be tempted to give a thought, action, or consideration from a different character

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Aug 24, 2008, 1. Always Have Reader's Perspective 2.Let Your Writing Be Reader-centric

Always Have Reader's Perspective Mere reading of what you have written to finalise your writing will not suffice.Always have the reader's perspective

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