Editor's Blog February 2007

Feb 26, 2007, Watch a Video on Building Your Internet Presence

Writers make money. Watch the video.Click on the picture to watch this short video that offers links to ways you can learn more about how to get your business up and running on the Internet.

What's that you say? You're a writer, not a business person? Sorry. Every writer is in business -- except for those who are hired for a salary to write corporate material. In that case, a writing business on the side is a great cushion against unexpected job loss.

This is the company I use. In fact, if you watch closely, you'll even see my face flash by in the longer video you can watch through the second link.

Feb 23, 2007, Novelist Now A Member Of The Order Of Canada

Frances Itani, a novelist from Ottawa, sent her latest novel off to her agent and became a member of the Order of Canada at on the same day.

She sees both as major accomplishments.

The new novel, Remembering the Bones, due out this fall, follows four generations of women.

Feb 22, 2007, The Long Tail: An Introduction

The Long Tail works wonders for self-publishing writers. This introduction sets the sage for three following articles.

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Feb 21, 2007, Client Testimonials

Writers offer testimonials for editing services offered by Writer's Helper editor, Audrey Owen.

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Feb 20, 2007, Interview with Alice Munro

Alice Munro has had her work published since 1950. In 1963 she established Munro Books in Victoria, BC.

She's won three Governor General's Awards for English-language Fiction, the most any author has won. She has also won two Giller Prizes and a host of other awards.

In this brief video, she talks about her life-long love of writing.

See books by Alice Munro.

Feb 18, 2007, Arbor Books Adds Defamation Protection For Writers

Ramsey, NJ, February 16, 2007 --(PR.COM)-- In response to the growing issue of defamation in the publishing industry, Arbor Books announced steps it has taken to protect its clients.

Arbor Books, a leading provider of self-publishing, ghostwriting and marketing services, announced an arrangement with one of the top defamation and intellectual property law firms in the United States, Henry R. Kaufman, P.C., to provide legal oversight and counsel against defamation for all their clients.

Henry R. Kaufman has more than 30 years’ experience in publishing, first amendment and copyright law and litigation. An expert on defamation and privacy law, and related content issues, he also counsels publishers and authors on contract and literary property matters.

Of counsel to Mr. Kaufman’s firm is Michael K. Cantwell, who held editorial and executive positions in the publishing industry in New York for 15 years before obtaining his law degree and a Master of Laws in intellectual property.

The growing issue of defamation claims has plagued a number of self-publishing firms, including several of the biggest names in print-on-demand (POD). One recent case resulted in nearly $500,000 in damages.

“The best way to safeguard yourself against defamation litigation is to work with a reputable self-publishing firm,” says Larry Leichman, co-owner of Arbor Books.

This new plan at Arbor Books affords five optional levels of protection:1) Editorial review of all manuscripts2) Prepublication legal reviews (“vetting”) of book manuscripts3) Ongoing in-house training and education of writers and editors on rules of defamation, copyright and other legal issues4) Insurance coverage in the event of any lawsuits5) Direct access to expert legal counsel at reduced rates

“At Arbor Books, we have an expert staff of seasoned editors and managers to provide oversight, as well as other security measures to prevent or respond to defamation suits,” says Arbor Books co-owner Joel Hochman.

Mr. Hochman emphasizes the consequences of defamation: “Major lawsuits can involve potentially ruinous financial consequences, harm to the author’s reputation, and the stigma of an adverse libel judgment—all possible results of accusations of defamation,” he says.

Feb 18, 2007, iUniverse Adds New Service

New York, NY, February 16, 2007 --(PR.COM)-- iUniverse, the leader in supported self-publishing, is pleased to announce the launch of its most comprehensive publishing package to date—Premier Pro. According to Susan Driscoll, president and CEO of iUniverse, the new package is a part of the company’s ongoing plan to better serve aspiring authors.

“We realize that authors have different goals and expectations when publishing a book,” Driscoll said. “With the addition of Premier Pro, we are able to offer an extremely flexible and professional array of publishing services.”

Priced at $1,099, Premier Pro is designed for authors who want their book to be a serious contender in today’s competitive publishing environment. Among its many other features, Premier Pro includes free hardcover formatting and one free hardcover book, a custom cover design, an editorial evaluation and professionally written cover copy. Authors who publish via the Premier Pro publishing package and earn the iUniverse Editor’s Choice designation recognizing editorial quality receive the additional benefit of free professional art direction for their book covers. Perhaps most importantly, Premier Pro is the only publishing package that makes a book eligible for the coveted iUniverse Publisher’s Choice designation, guaranteeing it will be displayed in the author’s local Barnes & Noble store.

Premier Pro joins other iUniverse offerings such as the Premier, Select, Fast Track and Poetry Publishing Packages. In addition to its wide variety of publishing services, iUniverse also provides editorial and marketing services comparable to those offered by traditional publishers. Once the published, titles are available for order from Barnes & Noble.com, Amazon.com, and over 25,000 retail bookstores.

“At iUniverse, we believe that anyone who successfully completes a manuscript should experience the joy of seeing it published,” Driscoll added. “The addition of the Premier Pro Publishing Package is simply another example of our mission to provide the best possible products and services to meet the needs of authors everywhere.”

Feb 15, 2007, Computer Tips For Writers

These computer tips for writers are offered because for most writers, the computer has become a necessary, if not indispensible tool of their trade. Learn the basics here.

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Feb 14, 2007, A Blog For Writers' Blogs

If you are a writer who blogs about writing, you can list your blog on the blog at Author's Blogs. That's a lot of blogs. . .

. . .both in the sentence above, and listed on Author's Blogs.

Click for more info

Feb 11, 2007, Make Money From Your Area of Expertise

Everyone knows something about something.

Writers can communicate what they know.

Enter the Internet.

There are many different types of Web sites on the Internet, but most visitors are looking for one thing -- Information,.

If you have information, you can publish it online where others will find it.

Feb 11, 2007, The Powell River Festival of Writers

April 20-22 at Dwight Hall, you'll be in the company of the finest authors and surrounded by other writers like yourself. For the presenters' bios, registration form, writing contest, exciting opening ceremonies, and program go to: <>www.festivalofwriters.com

There will be a Blue Pencil Café Friday afternoon from 3:30-5:00 for registrants. This is your chance to bring your work and have 30 mins. of one- on- one with your favourite author. Email me to book your free appointment. They will fill up fast.

A brand new feature of the festival has been added to the Saturday afternoon program, "Featuring the Best of Our Local Authors." If you are a published author with a book, and are registered for the weekend, here is your chance to promote it. From 3:30-4:30, there will be 10 minute spots for you to talk and read from your book. Then if your book is sold on the communal table (no charge, only a 15% of sales donation) with the rest, the audience will know more about it. Hopefully this will increase your sales. There are only 6 spots, so contact me and book early.

Another addition is our Book Club, held at the library. Starting Feb.20, at 7:00 p.m. with Alan Twigg's book "Intensive Care" you can get to know the authors better by joining the reading group. Mar.20, read Peter Elbling's " The Food Taster." April 17, read Joy Fielding's " Mad River Road." Call Gwen to register for the group: 485-2947

This size event is made possible by many volunteers and sponsors. We need you now in the planning stages, and if you're registering, during the event. Donations to the silent auction or cash donations are greatly appreciated.

Feb 9, 2007, WOW!
Women On Writing

If you are a woman, a writer, and plan to be in California in early March, check it out. . .

Click for more info (Link broken at origin)

Feb 8, 2007, Self-Published Author Bitten By The Bug

Rita Baker gave up on trade publishers after 14 rejections and decided to self-publish Of Bonds and Bondage.

Unlike many self-publishers, Baker was able to get her novel onto the shelves of Indigos and into Amazon.

She is also writing a new novel.

Self-publishing is neither easy nor cheap, but if you have a quality book, you can publish successfully yourself.

Click for more info

Feb 8, 2007, Arbor Books Introduces Plagiarism Protection for Ghostwriting Clients

(openPR) - (Ramsey, NJ) In response to the growing issue of plagiarism in the publishing industry, Arbor Books announced steps it has taken to protect its clients.

Arbor Books, a provider of self-publishing, ghostwriting and marketing services, announced that it has entered into a strategic alliance with BeaconOne Insurance to provide comprehensive protection for Arbor Book’s ghostwriting clients against plagiarism.

Arbor Books is the only ghostwriting firm in the United States to offer protection against the growing problem of plagiarism and is also associated with one of the most prestigious publishing law firms in the United States.

This new coverage affords five levels of protection:1) Editorial review of all manuscripts2) Systematic, computerized analysis and techniques specifically targeting plagiarism3) An outside third party to verify the originality of all material4) Ongoing training and education of writers on rules of plagiarism and other legal issues5) Insurance coverage in the event of any accusations and lawsuits

“The best way to safeguard yourself against plagiarism is to work with a reputable ghostwriting firm—and not a referral agency or an individual,” says Joel Hochman, co-owner of Arbor Books.

“Hiring a lone ghostwriter on your own leaves you open to plagiarism because there is no supervision,” says Mr. Hochman. “At Arbor Books, we have an expert staff of seasoned editors and managers to provide oversight, as well as other security measures to stop plagiarism.”

Larry Leichman, co-owner of Arbor Books, emphasizes the consequences of plagiarism: “Major lawsuits, financial ruin, a destroyed reputation and a lifetime of stigma are all a part of plagiarism,” he says.

“There are writers who find it more expedient to plagiarize,” says Mr. Leichman. “The media is filled with best-selling authors who have been tainted with accusations of plagiarism.”

A full-service, turnkey publishing company with a staff of 100 writers, designers and publicists, Arbor Books works with mainstream publishing companies, independent publishers and self-publishing authors through the process of manuscript preparation, cover design, illustration, printing, distribution, book marketing and author publicity.

With its well-deserved worldwide reputation, the Arbor Books ghostwriting division works with Fortune 500 companies, public relations firms, advertising companies, Hollywood celebrities, sports figures, politicians, businesspeople, public speakers, financial advisors and others interested in having their fiction or nonfiction book become a reality.

Feb 8, 2007, No Excuses For Writer

"Write what you know," they say.

But if you live in Britain, want to write a novel set in Canada, and. . .

. . .you suffer from agoraphobia, how can you possibly write what you know?

You learn. . .

. . .from books. . .

. . .in a library.

That's what Stef Penney did.

The result was The Tenderness of Wolves, her first novel. Not only did she finish a novel about another time and place -- Tenderness is set in the mid nineteenth century -- but she also won the prestigious Costa book of the year award.

Click for more info

Feb 4, 2007, A Battle Lost In A War Against Truth

Canadian Paul Robert Williams, who was in Iraq during the "shock and awe" attacks, wrote his book, A War Against Truth from an insider's perspective. Although he escaped from Iraq to Jordan, he returned two weeks later to continue covering the story.

His publisher, Raincoast Books, could be forgiven for taking the book as his own truthful account.

Roberts, however, was accused of plagiarizing some of his material from the Journal-Constitution, an Atlanta newspaper.

Roberts agrees that the material is similar, but was the result of carelessness, not deliberate copying.

Jay Bookman, the original author of the piece, and his newspaper have asked for attribution rather than money.

Raincoast has recalled the books. The Globe and Mail reports that when the book is on the shelves again, there may be a leaflet inside explaining the source of the passage concerned.

Feb 3, 2007, Editor's Blog January 2007

Breaking news on writing, editing, and self-publishing. Reminders of good writing principles. Editor's Blog keeps you abreast of issues related to your craft. Audrey researches so you can write.

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Feb 3, 2007, Writing Goals 2007

Writers share their writing goals for 2007 and receive support from Audrey Owen, editor at writershelper.com.

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Feb 2, 2007, Harry Potter Pre-Orders

The last book in the Harry Potter series will be released July 21, 2007. You can preorder your own copy with its sinister black cover now.

Speculation about which character will die in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is fueling the presale buzz, as if any additional fuel is needed.

Presale orders, on the other hand, are a great idea for the public and for the publisher.

Harry Potter book launches have people lining up long before stores open. Some stores will run out of stock and some readers will have to wait even longer to find out what will happen to Harry and his friends -- and enemies. People who have pre-ordered get a book as soon as it comes out.

Publishers usually have to guesstimate how many books to print. Preorders help a publisher to gauge public demand for a book. Profit margins are small in publishing and no publisher wants stacks of unsold books in warehouses. On the other hand, not meeting public demand can hurt a publisher, too.

Two years ago I preordered a book from Amazon. That particular book ran into production problems and came out a month later than the advertised launch date. Because I had preordered, I didn't have to spend time checking the Web daily until the book showed up in the database.

You can preorder both the regular and the deluxe edition of Harry Potter and the Death Hallows. Preordered books come deeply discounted, so if price is important to you, this is a good route to go.

And you can plan to get preorders for your own book when you are ready to launch. It's money in the bank.

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