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Is a literary agent worth the cost: Editor's Notes #408
January 17, 2024

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
—Warren Buffett

In this issue:

1. Is a literary agent worth the cost?
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1. Is a literary agent worth the cost?
To decide whether a literary agent is worth the cost, you have to consider your particular situation, know that a reputable literary agent is not paid until you are paid, and know what the literary agent’s fees are (15% of the author’s advance and royalties is usual unless other agents are involved as could be the case with foreign sales).

In general, you will get at least three things from a literary agent:
  • ADvice. Although agents are not editors, they sometimes offer suggestions to improve your book. They may also suggest markets you may not have thought of. They guide you through the process as you work with the publisher.
  • ADvocacy. The agent represents you to publishers and uses personal experience and professional expertise to get the best possible book to market with the most possible sales.
  • ADditional money. Most publishers have standard royalty agreements and often those are reasonable. Sometimes an agent can negotiate a different package to suit your personal situation and goals. An agent also may approach foreign publishers or find other uses for your book (movie rights, related merchandise, speaking engagements, etc.).

With the changes in the publishing industry, an increasing number of publishers accept only books presented by an agent. Apart from that, only you can decide whether the agent is worth the cost to you in your situation with any particular book. Investigate any potential agent carefully, and then make a fully informed decision about what is best for you.

2. Tickled my funny bone
 I once asked this literary agent what writing paid the best, and he said, "ransom notes".

3. Interesting Web site
Here is general advice on finding an agent to get your started if you want to explore your options.

4. Writing prompt
Write a brief piece that explores the relationships among cost, value,and worth. This can be fiction, nonfiction, or essay. I would love to see what you write.

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