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Your book's back cover: Editor's Notes #407
December 27, 2023

“Maybe I am wrong, but I tend to the think of the back of book blurb as an advertisement. The only one we will get free forever!”
—Dan LaBash

In this issue:

1. Your book’s back cover
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1. Your book’s back cover
The front cover of your book, with its title, subtitle, and graphics, beckons the buyer to look further. The next step interested people take is to flip the book over to see the back cover where you put more detailed information designed to promote a sale.

Your book’s back cover should not be crowded. Typically, it contains most or all of the following, so write tight:
  • A blurb, highlighting the topic, theme, or a plot hook to convince the reader to buy.
  • Endorsements from other writers or experts on your topic.
  • A bio that humanizes you as the author. This can highlight your expertise and qualifications to write. It also often mentions personal information of interest, like hobbies or family composition.
  • A photo of the author. This can be formal or informal, but it must be of professional quality.
  • A barcode. I don’t often see this listed when someone outlines what to put on the back cover of a book, but it is a huge selling point if you want retailers to sell your book. The code cuts down on their paperwork. It also signals that you are a professional. Each jurisdiction has its own barcode standard. Do a search for purveyors of barcodes in your country. I pay an annual fee for my barcodes, and I suspect that is the case in most countries.
  • The retail price of your book.

A good back cover clinches the sale, so give it the attention it deserves.

If you self-publish, you are responsible for the whole of the back cover material. If you work with a publisher, be prepared to contribute at least ideas for any of the text.

2. Tickled my funny bone
Mugging: stealing someone's coffee

3. Interesting Web site
For good advice on how to secure endorsements your can use on your back cover, visit this page:

4. Writing prompt
Write a blurb and bio to go on the back cover of the book you are working one, one you have already finished (and possibly published), or one you dream of writing. For ideas, research blurbs and bios of books in print, especially those that are similar to yours in some way.

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