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Three fears that derail writers: Editor's Notes #402
October 18, 2023

Have no fear of perfection — you'll never reach it.
—Salvador Dali

In this issue:

1. Three fears that derail writers
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1.Three fears that derail writers
My most debilitating fear as a writer so far was the fear of success. An article I had written was accepted by an international magazine. I was elated for a nanosecond and then froze in fear.

I had written all my life without trying to be published. I just wrote because I had things to say. Then I was encouraged to pursue publishing, and the first piece I submitted for pay was accepted. Terror gripped my heart. "What now?" "What if I can’t live up to the new expectations?"

On the other hand, many suffer from fear of failure. This fear threatens our own image of ourselves. We incorrectly think that not launching out will save us from facing our own limitations, but instead, we torture ourselves with negative thoughts without even testing our own limits. "Why try when I will probably fail anyway?" "If I don’t try, I might still be good enough but just be undiscovered?"

The path to writing and publishing is littered with rejections. Fear of rejection places too much emphasis on someone else’s judgement of our worth. It also confuses the work that is rejected with the person we are. Instead of submitting our work to someone else or making suggested improvements, we lick our wounds and resolve never to suffer such pain again. "How can I succeed when this expert does not respond positively to my work?" "Who am I to imagine I can write (or publish)?"

The fears of success, failure, and rejection can derail a writer. Instead of moving forward in learning our craft or submitting work for publication, we write half-heartedly or stop writing altogether. When we face our fears and write in spite of them, we are open to the reward of growing as a person and as a writer.

2.Tickled my funny bone
If all is not lost, where is it? 

3. Interesting Web site
For more on the fear of failure…

4. Writing prompt
Write a piece about someone who is afraid without saying the person is afraid. Include enough sensory detail to show the fear.

I would love to see what you do with this prompt.

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